Saturday, December 11, 2010





Also, if anyone wants to chat, discuss あにめとまんが, speak some 日本語, or just stare at/write to each other creepily, here's some of my contact info (not for any random internet creepers, so go away if that applies (of course that's not meant for 日本語のじゅぎょう :D))

Skype: ssduelist
Fanfiction (if anyone wants to read my half finished fanfics haha):
XBox gamer tag: SSDuelist

Saturday, December 4, 2010




Thursday, December 2, 2010



ハーリポータのえいがはとてもすごかったです! でも。。。ちょとぼくはかなしいです。The second half doesn't come out until next year...すごくありません。ぼくとトマソンさんとアヤラさんとカバフグさんはごごじゅうにじにミシャワカにヘーリポータをみていきました。



じゅうにがつはPokemon Profile Picture Monthです。フェースブークのしゃしんはがあります。フェースブークのしゃしんはエレキブルです。



Tuesday, October 26, 2010



Interesting way to start the day. O'Shag's basement isn't exactly user friendly, but it is the first time I've ever really been in tornado lockdown, so I guess it's kinda, not really.

Of course, since I'm freaking out right now (/sarcasm) I can't really do much しゅくだい so...yeah.

I really wish I had my DS right now. Always makes tornados and other calamities much more bearable.

In other news, now that I've got it on my mind, and to cheer up everyone else in a basement on campus, here's some musical entertainment.

Might as well have fun while たつまきさん is outside. Can't let him have all the fun, can I?

Also, more musical entertainment that is more music-ish. 2nd opening to Bleach. Enjoy.

Sunday, October 24, 2010






Thursday, October 7, 2010



こんばにピザをやきつけます(making pizza)。It's quite fun, actually. ぼくはもはや(already)日本語のしゅくだいします。アルバイトはたいへんじゃありません。

Alright, Youtube vid time take 2. I'm feeling the Naruto OPs, so I'll put up the original version of the first Naruto Shippuden OP. Artist is nobodyknows+, and the song is Heroes Come Back.

Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010



水曜日にもはや(already)です。とてもすごいです。でも、いちねんせいのかがくはいいです。It feels good to help them out on stuff that I know I found extremely hard. いちねんせいのかがくisn't nearly as bad the second time through.

Since I don't have much busy work tonight, I'll put up some of my favorite 日本のえいがのユートーブ (Youtube, hopefully). Okay, this first band is one of my favorite J-pop bands of all time. Some of you might recognize the song, as it is the original version of a Naruto OP. The band is FLOW, and the song is re-member.

FLOWはとてもすごいです(amazing)!(And it's pretty funny to watch as well haha).

Sunday, September 26, 2010


I really didn't do that much this weekend besides sleep

土曜日にじゅうにじにおきました。そして、さんじさんぷんのとるだむのフトボールゲームをみて、おとといのばんvideo gamesをして、ごぜにじねました。

On a completely different note, apparently I sounded like this fine fellow when I was sick:

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

すごいです! computer decided to stop working. Fun, fun, fun...




Alrighty, there's my life summarized into 3 paragraphs. Impressive, huh? Not gonna lie, grammar's pretty tough, no matter the language.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

What makes me...well, me

こんばんは! Another wonderful Sunday filled with football and homework always gets the blood going.

Here's my self-introduction. I'm going to be really careful with typing.


That looks good. Should say I'm Reeves-san, an American chemistry/Japanese double majoring sophomore. Not putting spaces in there really helps haha.

Alright, so who/what could I do an introduction of? This is a tough one because there are so many different people/things I could do it on, but one keeps coming back to me.

Hayao Miyazaki. The man's a genius. I said earlier that Toonami was the reason I really got into Japan, but the truth is that Miyazaki's movies really pushed me wholeheartedly into the world of Japanese culture. During middle school I went to a summer art camp at the art museum in my hometown. As luck would have it, the last day we were there our instructor showed us てんくうのしろらぴゅた (Tenkuu no Shiro Rapyuta; literally Sky Castle Laputa; American: Castle in the Sky). It's still my all time favorite movie to this day. The DVD's got a lot of mileage on it for sure.

As could be applied to any of his movies, the animation in the movies is top notch. It's not that it is especially detailed or flashy, or that it uses the latest technological advances in animation. Quite the opposite. It's the fact that most or all of his movies are completely hand drawn. It's the personal feel that conveys that makes the look of these movies magical, and even more so is that the stories are amazing. If you haven't seen all of them, then hit me up, because I have a few Studio Ghibli movies here (Studio Ghibli is the film company he is a part of) and all of the ones that have been released sans one at home, and I can always find time to squeeze in a good classic. Also, I've got CDs of some shape or form from most or all of his movies (excellent Japanese pop culture store in Boston, Tokyo Kid), so if you love the music from them, then I'm your man. :D

That's enough for my rant about Miyazaki, but I could sing his praises for a couple more posts without some restraint. I even did a paper for FYC last year breaking down his movies (which was a pretty darn good paper by the way).

Alrighty, now it's time to get some homework done. じゃあ、また!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Well, here we go...

As I'm typing this, it's 11:11. I guess that means I'm starting off the blog on a good note...hopefully.

はじめまして。リーブスです。どうぞよろしく。I believe I did that right. It worked better once I figured out that the spaces weren't necessary. I'll make a note of that for next time.

So, yeah. I'm David, and I'm a sophomore at Notre Dame. Right now my main major is chemistry, and I'm also on the books as having a supplementary Japanese major, which I hope I'm going to be able to fit in; if not, then the minor will definitely work. I'm a proud resident of Keough Hall (best guy's dorm on campus, can't really speak for the girls). 

I've been interested in Japan and the Japanese language for quite awhile now. I believe it started back sometime in middle school. Being bored on weekends as I used to be (not any more!), I was channel surfing and came across a block of shows on Cartoon Network under the collective title of Toonami. Here's some info about it if you don't know what it is. Caught a few episodes of Dragon Ball Z and G Gundam on there, and that was all it took, really. I was hooked from there on out.

After watching many more series (MANY more), I really took a liking to the Japanese culture too, and that is another reason why I want to get involved in the Japanese program. Hopefully one of these days I'll get a chance to go to Japan and experience everything for a couple of days.

Well, I've rambled enough (and it's not even close to 11:11 any more), so I'll stop for now. Let me know if there's anything else I can post about myself that might be interesting to you.
