Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Well, here we go...

As I'm typing this, it's 11:11. I guess that means I'm starting off the blog on a good note...hopefully.

はじめまして。リーブスです。どうぞよろしく。I believe I did that right. It worked better once I figured out that the spaces weren't necessary. I'll make a note of that for next time.

So, yeah. I'm David, and I'm a sophomore at Notre Dame. Right now my main major is chemistry, and I'm also on the books as having a supplementary Japanese major, which I hope I'm going to be able to fit in; if not, then the minor will definitely work. I'm a proud resident of Keough Hall (best guy's dorm on campus, can't really speak for the girls). 

I've been interested in Japan and the Japanese language for quite awhile now. I believe it started back sometime in middle school. Being bored on weekends as I used to be (not any more!), I was channel surfing and came across a block of shows on Cartoon Network under the collective title of Toonami. Here's some info about it if you don't know what it is. Caught a few episodes of Dragon Ball Z and G Gundam on there, and that was all it took, really. I was hooked from there on out.

After watching many more series (MANY more), I really took a liking to the Japanese culture too, and that is another reason why I want to get involved in the Japanese program. Hopefully one of these days I'll get a chance to go to Japan and experience everything for a couple of days.

Well, I've rambled enough (and it's not even close to 11:11 any more), so I'll stop for now. Let me know if there's anything else I can post about myself that might be interesting to you.
